Fiction 1."How Green Was My Valley" ... Richard Llewellyn. Macmillan 2."Kitty Foyle" ... Christopher Morley. Lippincott 3."Mrs. Miniver" ... Jan Struther. Harcourt, Brace 4."For Whom the Bell Tolls" ... Ernest Hemingway. Scribner 5."The Nazarene" ... Sholem Asch. Putnam 6."Stars on the Sea" ... F. van Wyck Mason. Lippincott 7."Oliver Wiswell" ... Kenneth Roberts. Doubleday, Doran 8."The Grapes of Wrath" ... John Steinbeck. Viking Press 9."Night in Bombay" ... Louis Bromfield. Harper 10. "The Family" ... Nina Fedorova. Little, Brown •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NonFiction 1."1 Married Adventure" ... Osa Johnson. Lippincott 2."How to Read a Book" ... Mortimer Adler. Simon & Schuster 3."A Smattering of Ignorance" ... Oscar Levant. Doubleday, Doran 4."Country Squire in the White House" ... John T. Flynn, Doubleday, Doran 5."Land Below the Wind" ... Agnes Newton Keith. Little, Brown 6."American White Paper" ... Joseph W. Alsop, Jr., and Robert Kintnor. Simon & Schuster 7."New England: Indian Summer" ... Van Wyck Brooks. Dutton 8."As I Remember Him" ... Hans Zinsser. Little, Brown 9."Days of Our Years" ... Pierre van Paassen. Dial Press 10. "Bet It's a Boy" ... Betty B. Blunt. Stephen Daye Press